Thursday, November 20, 2008

Our Little Friend is HOME!

She's home & trying to catch up on life! What a little doll!

Her & her family are in constant need of our prayers, as the medical world offers not much hope for her (which is putting it lightly).

We love them & hope that you will include them in your prayers!




  1. What a little doll! We will absolutely continue to pray for her and her family. They must be so happy to have her home again.

  2. There's nothing like home after a long hospital stay. We will pray for her. We actually saw her when we were in. She was roomates with our roommate. Hope you are doing great and getting back to normal life. (What's that?) Lots of love and prayers.

  3. What a hilarious picture! Typical female, multitasking! It was great to meet her in the hospital. What a sweet little person. We'll remember her in our prayers.


Thanks for stopping by!