Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Callie's the "STAR"!

Channel 3 made a request to videotape Callie in therapy & it will air on their program, "Your Life From A to Z" this Friday the 14th between 9-10 am.
I know I told some of you it would be on Thursday the 13th, but they changed it & called early today to let me know!
I hope I'm able to videotape it. (the kids don't want to miss it) If any of you tape it, please let me know, in case I miss it.
Everyday, so many things go through my mind that have been done for us. I haven't had the time to adequately thank any of you, but know that it hasn't gone unnoticed & know how much you are loved & appreciated!
Lots of Love


  1. As you probably know, my mind is often in La-La land, but I will definitely TRY to tape it for you. Time always seems to slip away from me and I forget things, but I will TRY:0)!

  2. DITTO on that last comment~WE have a DVR so I will try and record the whole thing ~Ill just have Curtis set it to record RIGHT NOW!~now theres an idea!!~Tell Callie that I want her AUTOGRAPH!~you might have to explain what autograph means!!


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