Thursday, November 20, 2008

Life is Good

I apologize for not posting more frequently & for the picture draught! (I think our daughter Ashley is coming by tomorrow with her camera, I haven't located mine since coming home) We are very much enjoying being home! It is very busy as you might imagine. Callie is a full-time job all by herself. Thank goodness for so much help to share it, but there is the rest of the family to keep up with as well.
This week, Callie had an MRI the day before an appt with the Neuro Surgeon & Opthamologist. The MRI was pretty quick. She didn't like it at all, but at least they were able to do it without sedating her which I was very grateful for & I'm sure it was far less traumatic for her that way than having to go through the whole IV process (she's a very hard "stick").
The appt with the Opthamologist took awhile to get to & after examining Callie's left eye, he had 2 appts with eye specialists scheduled for this Friday, so we'll be heading back down tomorrow for those. He still wants to shoot for the beginning of December for the surgery to "tack" her eyelids open. The left will only be able to be done if it can be healed by then. He mentioned that she would need to have an ultrasound done on it to get a better look at it. Not really great news.
Callie was scheduled to see the Neuro Surgeon's assistant. Once she got in, we gave her the disc of her MRI. She came back in & told us (my neice Sarah & Brinley were with us) that she wanted the doctor to look at the MRI & Callie. I told Sarah, "that doesn't sound too good". The Doc came in & had the MRI pulled up for us to see, he explained that he requested the disc so that we could have a copy. As he showed it to us, he said that it looked like a "good brain" & that while nerves grow slowly, he did expect her to get her 3rd nerve function back!!! (that is the lids) He wasn't as confident about the facial nerve, but he said, you never know. He didn't say she wouldn't. He said now she just needs to grow her hair back to cover that "ugly" scar. I told him tearfully, that to me it isn't "ugly" it's beautiful to me! And told him why, basically that she's with us!!! Then just before they all went out, they asked if she could walk! I forgot he'd only seen her in a high chair, so I put her down & she proudly showed them all that Yes! she could!!! As if she knew it was thanks to them! Again he stated, "she is a miracle"! & that had just made his day!!! A GREAT day for Us as well! I will love that man FOREVER!
I'm sure that in this life I never will adequately be able to thank everyone for everything that has been done for Callie & for us, but I continually pray that the Father of Us ALL will pour out blessings for each person that has blessed our lives or been touched by Callie in some way.
May the Lord's choicest blessings be with each of you this holiday season & may you feel His "tender mercies" on your behalf on those you love continues to be my prayer.
With Much Love
P.S. Brinley broke her arm since we've been home! She's doing good!

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