Okay! So an update post is lOOOOOOOOOOng overdue!!!
Where in the world do I begin!?!
Hmmmm... maybe I'll start at the top. This could get very lengthy :)
We'll start with Justin, Alisha & Aiden. They have moved to the valley (Phoeinix). Justin and Alisha are both working. Recently Aiden was coming up with Callie and I for a visit, and we were in a car accident on our way out of Mesa. Gratefully we weren't hurt! (just the car)
Matt, Ashley and the boys have moved to Hallsville, TX. Matt is working on the Fire Department in Longview. He just finished his first semester of Paramedic training, and will finish up this fall. Gage has his last day of preschool this week and turns 5 very soon, so it's Kindergarten this fall! Garret is very happy to announce that he will have a baby sister this fall as well!!! Yay for the Broomall's :) Ash has been very sick with this one, but she is so happy to balance out the gender count in her home (;
Jamison, Monica and Trenton live 10 mins down the road from the Broomall's in Longview, TX. Jamison graduated from Paramedic training in Dallas this April. He was salutatorian of his class and was just .8 behind the valedictorian! He is working at the Longview Fire Dept as a Paramedic. So proud of him for doing so well.
Monica will be having their little girl next month! We are so excited to be welcoming more grand-daughters! Trenton talks up a storm! The boys love getting together to play!
Micah is living in Scottsdale and just finished up a semester of school. We get to see him every now and then and love it when we do.
Amber and Ian moved to Wyoming at the end of March! We miss having the little man here at the house with us! (we miss Amber too!)
Marcus reports to the MTC July 6. He has been called to serve in Resistencia Argentina! He wil be missed greatly!!! Last year he had the opportunity to baptize his friend Matt Mauff, who will be leaving for the Scotland-Ireland mission 30 days behind Marcus. Marcus and his friends have loved a tradition of "temple tuesday" for the last several months. Wonderful <3
Elsie has finished up her Junior year of high school and is now officially a senior! She has been taking classes through the high school that have earned her 12 college credits so far and by the end of her senior year, will be 24!
Burke has grown quite a bit! My baby boy is looking more like a full grown man!!! He is 15 and is looking forward to football season next fall. He is quite the cook & loves it! He is such a help around the house that way!
Emma just finished 7th grade. This year she was very busy. She was on the dance team, played volleyball & basketball. Recently, she tried out for the spirit line (cheer/dance) and made the team for next year. Also, she was selected as the student of the year! Such a sweetheart <3
Haley, Hayden & Brin have had a great time at the same school together, but next year Haley will be moving up! They are such sweet little girls and growing much too fast!
Callie had eye surgery in March which has made it to where she can see in front of herself without having to turn her head. She also had a second set of tubes put in her ears a week and a half ago, which improved her hearing dramatically! For which we are so grateful!!! She never ceases to amaze us, and never lets us get to bored! Tonight we spent a couple of hours at the urgent care clinic after she fell and cut open her eye just beneath her brow. A little bit of dermabond, a stuffed monkey & some blue magic and she's home playing with the girls and doing better! (mom didn't do so well with all the blood! got a little bit whoosy)
Jeff is still working for Swift training drivers for them. He is only able to come through about once a week, but will be taking two weeks vacation soon. Recently he was recognized for having a high retention ratio for the drivers that he has trained. We all got a kick... he had his first female student Lolita not long ago!
I stay exceptionally busy, and have been taking classes at the local community college. I have been making knives, which I love. I hope to have my Assoc. of Arts degree by Spring 2013 semester, that will transfer over to one of the 3 universties in Arizona for a Bachelor of Arts degree.
We will be going to Schlitterbahn water park in Texas for our family vacation and are pleased that Marcus will be able to do that with us before he leaves! We hope to be joined by at least of few of the kids and grandkids! Wish they could all come with us!