Monday, November 1, 2010

Reader's Digest Update :)

WOW!!! I'm so behind on this, I don't even know where to begin to catch up!
Life stays so busy and crazy, with it's UPs and DOWNs...
One thing for starters, one of my most recent blogs was the end of football season last year I think.
Well, we've gone through another season of football. At least with Burke's freshman team. He mostly played center, where he started in most every game. They have had a great team and have completed another great season, being undefeated their 3rd year in a row.
We just celebrated Jeff's 49th bday this weekend as well as all the Halloween dress up fun! I don't think that I ate one piece of Halloween candy this weekend!
Matt got on the fire dept in Longview Texas and now Ash and the boys are living there with him!!! Jamison is going to a 6 mo full-time Paramedic training in Dallas, which puts half our grandchildren and two of our kids and their spouses in Texas!
Justin, Alisha and Aiden, Amber and Ian are still here in town with us thank goodness!!! Love the grandkids and having the kids around!
Marcus is working and getting close to filling out his mission papers. He was recently ordained an Elder. It was his priviledge to baptize his friend Matt Mauff, get his partriarchal blessing at the same time as Matt (my priviledge to be there) and also ordain his cousin Jacob as a Elder <3
Elsie continues to keep everyone in line and laughing (when we're not scared running from her :)
Emma was on the 7th grade Dance team and is now on the 7th grade volleyball team! It's so fun to watch her <3
Haley, Hayden and Brin (and Mom ;) have gone through withdrawls this past school year without Emma to get the girls ready for school and out the door! But it's being good for them to have to take responsibility for themselves and not always have Em to take up the slack for them!
Callie continues to improve and constantly has us laughing!!! She has started to open her left eye randomly on her own!!! She never ceases to amaze us!
The only class I'm taking this semester is metal art (my 3rd semester). I'm learning more blade making techniques under a Master Swordsmith, and loving it!
Jeff has been on a different fleet for the past several months and we don't see him quite as much, maybe once a week... hopefully that will change soon!
Can't think of much else to put for now... I'll try to get some pictures on soon! I just put some from the weekend on my facebook page if anyone wants to check them out, this is the URL!/album.php?aid=76467&id=1608946752
Take care... and our love to ALL!!!